This window is used for additional operations with tags, branches and revisions. To make this window accessible, perform the operation "Get Latest Version" by opening the window of advanced options. Advanced options are divided into three tabs:
- Update options - sets options for updating files.
Get the clean copy - overwrites your files, replacing them with versions from the repository. Deletes local modifications.
Reset any sticky date/tag/"-k" options - resets sticky options and "moves" your files to the main branch.
Before date - sticks file versions not later than the specified date.
Retrieve rev./tag/branch - sticks file versions according to the specified tag, branch or revision.
If no matching revision found use most recent one - if no matching revisions are found when sticking versions according to specified tag\branch\date, then get the most recent one.
Apply sticky option for folders - IDE works with files but never with catalogs. Without selecting this option, after moving files to the required branch or after adding a new file, the file(s) will be added to the main branch. But with this option selected, the whole catalog (catalogs) will "belong" to the required branch, and the following files will be added to this branch. As a rule you don't have to switch this option off.
Merge with this revision/tag - to merge you current files with the modifications that had occurred at the selected branch not later than the specified date.
.. and with this revision/tag - to merge you current files with the modifications which had occurred between the version specified in the previous option and the version specified in this option. During files merging you should better switch the option "Strict checkout status" off.
- Tags & branches - The option 'Instead of update I want to' allows branch or tag creating\deleting. The option 'Overwrite an existing tag of the same name' allows repeated usage of the same symbolical name several times (i.e. release). The option 'Check that all tagged files are unmodified' makes CVS verify that before the operation you have no currently edited files. This provides possibility of reconstruction of the tagged version from the repository.
- Admin - The option "Instead of update I want to" allows deleting the specified revisions or excluding files from source control. Be careful when you delete revisions. The only purpose of this operation is decreasing the repository size due to losing the history of intermediate modifications. When you take a file out of control, CVS does not delete this file from the disk, but only marks it in the repository as deleted. This operation duplicates the command "Remove from source control", which is unreasonably absent in VS .NET.