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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Lightweight embedded Node.js database with MongoDB API.

Get specific version

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There are two ways of getting the specific branch. The first is integrated with the operation of getting the project from system source control. The difference is that you should activate the option 'branch' and select the required branch. The second way allows getting files over the open project.

To get the data on top of the open project perform operation "Get Latest Version" by opening the advanced options window. Then choose the tab 'Update Options'>.

There are several ways of getting files: for the main branch, by date and by tag.

  • Getting the main branch. The main branch has the tag "HEAD" by default, but you have to select 'Reset any sticky date/tag/"-k" options' to get it.
  • Getting the required branch (tag). Select 'Retrieve rev./tag/branch' and enter tag name or branch name. Note that getting of a tag means sticking of your codes to this tag, and you cannot modify the data (unless you create a branch based on this version). Though getting of a branch also means sticking this branch, it allows for adding versions (data modification). New versions will be added to this branch.
  • Getting a version by date. Select option 'Before date' and choose the required date. Note that the received codes are always sticky and the data cannot be modified. However, after creation of a branch according to this version, you can make modifications.
After the required option selection press "OK". Then return to the IDE main window, select "Get latest version" and press "OK". The requested operation will be performed.

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