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Merge branches

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Merging is used for getting modifications performed in another branch for your current branch. To merge branches perform the operation "Get Latest Version" by opening the advanced options window. Then choose the tab 'Update Options'.

NOTE! - During this operation CVS takes your files under control for editing. To avoid this, turn off the option 'Strict checkout status' of the tab 'CVS options' in the configuration window. Or checkout all files before merging, which seems to be the best decision. But you will not be able to see which files were modified after merging.

To merge your active branch (which is on your disk) with all modifications of another branch, turn on the option 'Merge with this revision/tag' and select branch or tag name. In case of repeated merging, sometimes it is needed to merge modifications not from the beginning of another branch, but from the moment of the last merging, which can be identified by tag or date. To do this select '...and with this rev/tag' and enter tag or branch name. In case of merging with the same branch, but with modifications between some dates, you can also specify the dates in addition. For instance, in the picture above the advanced options are set up to merge modifications of the main branch with the modifications of the "release1" branch that took place between February 1 and 8.

After setting preferences for merging press "OK". Then return to the IDE main window, select "Get latest version" and press "OK". The requested operation will be performed.

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