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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Lightweight embedded Node.js database with MongoDB API.

Bind to CVS

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This window appears each time the plug-in cannot independently establish the connection between local folder and the module. For example, this happens during the operation of opening from CVS. However, it can also happen in other cases, when it is necessary to add or take some additional catalogs. When this window appears, you have to look carefully through the data offered by the IDE, and to correct the data if necessary. If the window appeared after adding files, then probably you have to confirm module creation (you have to create it). If it appeared after getting files, then you have to specify an already existing module. When you add IDE files (as a rule, the project name is the same as the module name) or add a subproject, you have to modify the module by yourself in order it got under the main project.

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