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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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If your development environment supports integration with code control systems by means of SCCI API, plug-in can be installed without any problems. The most simple way to make sure that the plug-in will work with your IDE is to make sure that it will work with MS SourceSafe. As far as initially SCCI API was intended to work only with this system, it won't be difficult to get an answer to this question.

    To install the plug-in you have to
  • download its last version;
  • run downloaded file cvsproxy.exe for executing the automatic installation program. You do not have to select any options. It is only necessary to accept the license agreement conditions.

After these operations the plug-in is installed in your system, and you have to make sure that the integration with IDE is established. For this:

    [MS VS .NET]
  • Run VS .NET environment.
  • Check the presence of additional menu item File\Source Control. If this menu item is active, the installation has been successful. If you do not see this menu item, then probably your VS .NET edition does not support integration by means of SCCI API. Contact Microsoft to find out how to update your VS .NET edition.
    [MS VS]
  • Run VS environment.
  • Check the presence of additional menu item Project\Source Control. If this menu item is active, the installation has been successful.
    [MS VB]
  • Run VB environment.
  • Check the presence of additional menu item Tools\Pushok CVS Proxy.
  • If the menu item does not appear, do the following:
    • Enable Source Control Add-in.
      In Visual Basic, choose Add-Ins>Add-In Manager... The Add-In Manager dialog is displayed. Select the add-in and enable it.
    • If Source Code Control is not listed:
      Close Visual Basic, edit your vbaddin.ini file (located by default in the Program Files folder), add the following entry under [Add-Ins32]. vbscc=3. Then repeat the previous step.

After checking integration with IDE you can continue your work. If you have not used CVS before, you have to think about the way of accessing the repository (source code storage). In CVS there are two possible ways: client-file system mode and client-server mode. The first variant is used if the repository is located in your computer or on your accessible network disk. That is the way MS Source Safe works. This way of using CVS is possible, but not recommended if you are going to provide access for more than two developers or enable remote access.

We recommend using the client-server mode. CVS was actually developed for this mode, and hence it works ideally in it. Either Linux computer can be used as a server. Moreover, it is not necessary for you to have your own dedicated server (that is expensive enough), you can order hosting of virtual Linux server for 25-50 $USD per month (i.e. This variant is convenient for a small group of remote developers.

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