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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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As far as CVS was developed for LINUX, initially the work with it was possible only from a command line. And even now its functionalities are available through a command line, this allows CVS integration with different development environments or with automated compilation systems. With time CVS migrated to Windows and got graphical interfaces, but as a matter of fact all these interfaces are add-ins to the command line client. The examples of these graphical interfaces you can find at WinCvs (stanalone GUI) and TortoiseCVS (win explorer integration).

Certainly these systems are quite convenient to work with, at least without IDEs. But for a developer completely engaged in his current work it is extremely inconvenient to turn to other applications in order to check out a file or to compare it to one of the previous versions. It is clear that direct integration of a code control system with development environment makes work more comfortable. It should be also noted that for some development environments (for particular types of projects) using of a source control system without the environment itself is impossible. For example, this concerns VS .NET and its Web Projects.

Many development environments, such as Zend Studio (PHP), Sun One Java studio, Eclipse, initially support CVS, and its integration is already built-in to these systems. However there exist many other IDEs which are not meant for using of some particular source control system, but they support so-called SCCI API instead. By means of functionalities provided by this API it is theoretically possible "to integrate" any code control system with IDE. Till recently there were no high-quality programs integrating IDE and CVS by means of SCCI API.

However, now we call your attention to a plug-in manual, which, we hope, will cope with IDE and CVS integration successfully. Besides basic functions enabling convenient work with IDE, the plug-in provides a large number of additional CVS functionalities. Namely:

  • Tag control,
  • Versions control,
  • Online/offline work,
  • Viewing file and project history,
  • Independence of CVS server (UNIX, CVSNT),
  • Resolving conflicts,
  • Files annotation.
Besides that, being a commercial user, you receive support concerning not only problems with the plug-in, but also concerning general aspects of work with CVS.

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