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CVS is already present on most UNIX computers. Therefore you do not have to install the program as it is. However, it is necessary to activate this server and adjust settings correctly. The example of settings adjustment is shown in distributive RedHat.

First of all you have to activate CVS service. For this:

  1. Create in /etc/xinet.d the file cvspserver with the following content:
    service cvspserver
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = root
        passenv     = PATH
        server      = /usr/bin/cvs
        server_args = --allow-root=/cvs -f pserver
        disable     = no
    The elements you will probably have to correct are: "server = /usr/bin/cvs" and "--allow-root=/cvs". The first element is the path to the executed CVS module. In some Linux distributives it can be located in different places. Parameter (--allow-root) specifies the location of the repository to which access will be provided. In our case it is /cvs. If you want to organize access to several repositories, the parameter should be replicated the required number of times.

  2. To create user, group, folder and repository:
    # mkdir /cvs - folder
    # adduser cvs - user and group
    # chown cvstest.cvstest /cvs - to change the owner
    # su cvs - to change the user
    # cvs -d :local:/cvs init - to create empty repository
    # su root - to change the user

  3. Restart service:
    # service xinetd restart

After these operations you can obtain access to this server using CVSROOT: :pserver:cvs@servername:/cvs. (pserver) is the access protocol; (cvs) is user login; (servername) is your user name; (/cvs) is the repository location on server.

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