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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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File types

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The file types configuration window allows adjusting of the plug-in settings when adding files (only) to CVS. In CVS, when adding a file, it is very important to specify its type correctly, since otherwise information distortion will occur. In SCCAPI this function is theoretically assigned to IDE, and it ought to pass the file type (binary or text) when adding. However and unfortunately, this does not happen as a rule. Below you can see the configuration window with default options:

  • Enable automatical file type recognition on file addition
    The option is on by default, it makes the plug-in test the file content automatically in order to define its type. This option copes with the problem with 95% success.
  • Treat unicode files as binary
    Only CVSNT server supports UNICODE files processing, therefore if you use UNIX server, you should switch this option on.
  • Enable explicit rules for file types based on extension
    If automatic type definition does not work well enough, you can explicitly specify file types by adding relevant extension to one of three groups. Remember that this setting is available only within IDE.
Besides file type setting on the client, you can also modify the administrative file cvswrapers by customizing file types on the server. The rules of this file are applied if the plug-in cannot define the file type by itself, or if the relevant options are off.

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