The CVS options configuration window allows adjusting of the plug-in settings. Below you can see this window with default settings:
- Use CVS client/server compression at level ...
Initiates the compression of the data transferred between client and server. Decreasing of level of compression reduces compression degree, computing load upon the server and increases the volume of the transferred data. Increasing of level of compression gives the opposite effect. If you always work with a high-speed network, it is recommended to switch this option off.
- Enable online/offline background check procedure
This option makes the plug-in check approximately every minute if your CVS server is accessible or not. Knowing this is important for the plug-in, since, having detected the offline condition, it won't try to access the server. Requests to the server themselves do not cause errors, but they can result in long pauses (timeouts). If you are not going to work offline at all, switch this option off.
- Allow offline (un)checkout
This operation allows the plug-in to perform operations "checkout" and "undo checkout" offline. Note that in this case there are no actual requests to the server, and nobody will know that you are editing the file. It is especially important if your corporate rules do not permit simultaneous editing of the same file.
- Check server for file status (hold SHIFT to invert option)
Requests file statuses from the server. Allows determination of two additional file statuses, causing at the same time additional delays during status updating. You can specify which of the two additional statuses you want to determine when you request the server (this specification optimizes the number of requests). It is important, that not all IDEs display this information. For instance, MS VB and VS do not display file statuses at all. VS.NET displays only "Checked out by some one else", and only PB displays both.
We recommend to switch this option off. If it is necessary to qualify the status, you can call the command "Refresh status" with simultaneous pressing SHIFT (holding this key inverts this option).
- Checkout file readonly
This option assigns "readonly" flag to the files, which are not checked out. In most cases you shouldn't change it, since this behavior is expected by almost all IDEs.
- Use gzipped edit (cvs edit -z). Available in CVS NT client > 2.0.36
This option is very useful when supported by CVS client. It enables file compression when file is placed into /cvs/base service folder. Compressed files occupies less space and does not appears as duplicate in search results.
- Enable file remove monitoring
Configure plug-in to create background thread to monitor and detect deleting of files. When file deleting is detected, plug-in shows confirmation dialog to perform deleting not only on local disk but also in repository.
- Enable file rename monitoring
Similar to file deleting but for file renaming.
- Progress Dialog Settings...
Pushing this button you will see the dialog, with the help of this dialog you may tune progress dialog display mode.

* Show progress dialog for operation longer than ...
Displays the plug-in progress dialog when the operation is performed longer than the specified time period (in seconds). You can switch off this option if you do not want to see progress dialog at all.
* Old-style progress dialog
If you think this Progress dialog is too advanced or you just don't like it -anytime you may back to old progress dialog version selecting this option.
Please pay attention - all changes in this settings will affect plugin after rebooting your IDE only !!!
- Launch conflict editor immediately after file update
This option uses the plug-in sources for resolving conflicts. The plug-in processes conflicts and displays the files comparison window for resolving conflicts before them being re-read by the IDE. Switching this option on leads to standard for CVS conflict processing procedure (conflict markers are merged with files). This can cause problems, if conflicts occur in project files.
Concurrent edit
- Display editors warning (multiple checkouts) on file checkout
When this option is switched on, the plug-in displays a warning, if you try to check out a file being edited by someone else.
- Reserved checkout mode
The server part of CVS does not provide full support for this mode, but its simulation is supported by the plug-in. Switching this option on means the following: status "checkout only for me" and using the option "-c" of the command "cvs edit" (checkout), which does not enable this command if somebody else is already editing this file. Thus, you can ignore the "editors warning" if you want, but this option implies more strict limitation.
- Use reserved checkout mode for binary files
The same as the previous option, but it is applied only for binary files. Binary files cannot be merged anyway (unlike text files), therefore their simultaneous editing is undesirable, since it will always cause conflicts, which nobody will know how to resolve. The option is on by default.
Concurrent edit
- Update files before checkout
This option realizes SourceSafe behavior, that is, when you checkout a file, you always get its latest version. This is not always convenient, since you start editing a new file version, which had appeared in the repository, but not the one you had edited before. Updating of only one file can make the whole project not compilable, and you will have to update other files. This can be undesirable, when you make isolated modifications. In SourceSafe you have to check out files beforehand, but it is not convenient.
However, some IDEs (for example, PB) expect this behavior and can perform "checkout" without any file on the disk. Switch this option on for such IDEs. But mind, that each option of these three is not compatible with offline work, as it requires requesting the server.
- Update binary files before checkout
As it is known, binary files cannot be merged automatically, therefore editing of non-latest version will cause a conflict. That is why this option is on by default. It allows getting the latest file version before editing.
- Update file before undo checkout
Updates files before giving up editing. It is intended for those IDEs (PB), which can perform commands without any files on the local disk.
- Strict checkout status
The thing is that there is no "checkout" concept in CVS. The similar notion is "edit". By default a file is checked out, if the command "edit (checkout)" is performed. However, sometimes a file can be modified from the outside, and by CVS itself as well (i.e. during merging branches). In other words, the file becomes modified without your having called the command "checkout", and you have to checkin the modifications to the server. The only way to show these files is to consider them automatically checked out, if the date of their modification does not coincide with the date "known" by CVS. Generally this option is not necessary, but if you are merging branches or modifying files out of the IDE, switch this option on.
- When offline, ignore uncompatible setting for checkout operation
Self explaining, use it with care when "you know what you do".