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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Lightweight embedded Node.js database with MongoDB API.

Tricks & Tips for the plug-in

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We offer several advices, which will help you to optimize your work with our plug-in independently of IDE.

  • Do not check out more files than you need for your work. This point is not necessary when you work with SVN (unlike SourceSafe). Meanwhile, the more files you check out, the longer it will take to update status.
  • Use the same version of SVN client in all applications. However, in the client-server mode it is not obligatory (though makes work easier). But in the client-fileshare mode usage of different client versions can damage the repository, since in this mode svn.exe is both the client and the server, which modifies the repository.
  • Try to not use 'http(s)' protocol if it is not really needed. Tests show that it is up to two times slower than 'svn' protocol. The main reason is that each request to server is translated into several (3-6) pure http requests. The reasonable reasons for usage of 'http(s)' protocol might be firewall or authentication issues. The 'http(s)' protocol usually passes firewalls and supports several autehntication schemes such as: certificate and sspi.

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