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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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The Source code control provider did not initalize properly

( SVNSCC , VB 6.0, 1.6.x, WIN 2000/XP, x86  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 29 Jul 09 07:00 Updated: 07 Aug 09 08:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 07 Aug 09 08:00 writes

We would like to inform you about release of stable version of the plug-in
You can download it here
--> Aleksey Kochetkov (admin)  at 29 Jul 09 07:00 writes

You have not registered the plug-in, so you can not use it.
Instructions for registration can be found here:
To register, you need to know the account, which has a license.
In automatic mode, the registration happens automatically.
In manual mode, you must open the page and create a trial license by
clicking the link "try now".
After that, your account will able to generate trial license keys.
To register in manual mode you should do following steps:
1. Choose registration type as manually and press button "Next".
2. Enter you login information and press button "Next".
3. The plug-in will generate program serial key automatically for you.
4. Copy program serial key.
5. Open link in your browser.
6. Click on the link "Generate Key".
7. Enter program serial key in the edit box and click on the link "Next".
8. Copy license key.
9. Enter received license key to edit field in plug-in and press "Next"
10. Registration complete.
You can generate license keys without assistance.
--> Anderson (user)  at 29 Jul 09 07:00 writes

1.JPG  2.JPG 
--> Aleksey Kochetkov (admin)  at 29 Jul 09 07:00 writes

From online documentation:
# [MS VB] Run VB environment.
Check the presence of additional menu item Tools\Pushok SVN Proxy.
If the menu item does not appear, do the following:
* Enable Source Control Add-in.
In Visual Basic, choose Add-Ins>Add-In Manager... The Add-In Manager
dialog is displayed. Select the add-in and enable it.
* If Source Code Control is not listed:
Close Visual Basic, edit your vbaddin.ini file (located by default in the
Program Files folder), add the following entry under [Add-Ins32]. vbscc=3.
Then repeat the previous step.
Full text you may find here:
You do this steps?
--> Anderson (user)  at 29 Jul 09 07:00 writes

I've installed SVN scc proxy and start VB6, It show The "Source code
control provider did not initalize properly" and can't start. Please help.

Do I need to install some GUI SVN client first?

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