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Testing not connectin to CVS correctly...

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 11 Feb 09 02:00 Updated: 07 Jan 12 01:00
--> Start Up Farms International P Chand (user)  at 07 Jan 12 01:00 writes

unable to integrate it with robo help 9. please do the needful on

--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 16 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Meanwhile I'll close this ticket. If you have another questions please open
separate tickets. We trying to maintain one question - one ticket relation.
Thanks in advance.
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 16 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Starting from VS 2005 it is possible to configure source control provider
on per project basis. This means that one project can be managed for
example by CVS, another by subversion and another by VSS. You can change
the actual for that moment provider (and default) in Tools\Options\Source
Control menu.
--> Temple Universtiy (user)  at 14 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Thank you for all you help...
You have been really great in assisting me.
I seem to have things working good for now.

But I have author question...

I noticed an error in you software (plug-in) for Visual Studio 2005.
If I chose to open my project from "Source Control" option from the "File"
drop down menu and then fail to synchronize with CVS server the option for
"Source Control" option IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. To see the option again I
have to close Visual Studio 2005 and restart it up again. WHY?????????

Thanks again.... for you quick response.
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 13 Feb 09 02:00 writes

You have to use latest version of series 1.x of plug-in which is
From what I see you trying to connect to server using ssh. Native way for
cvs for this is to use :ext: protocol. :ext: protocol assumes that you
managed to establish password less ssh connetion to server and configure
plug-in to use external ssh compatible executable for connection.
Configuration can be made on page.
Alternative to :ext: protocol is to use :ssh: protocol. :ssh: protocol is
an extensions of CVS NT client which is shipped with plug-in by default.
When you use :ssh: protocol cvs client tries to use build in on putty
compatible libraries to establish ssh tunnel and use log-in name hard coded
into CVSROOT and cached password (which you will be asked when pressing
Login button) to establish tunnel using plain password authentication. In
case plain password authetication disabled on your server this might be the
And of course for beggining you can start from something less complicated
and use :pserver: protocol instead.
--> Temple Universtiy (user)  at 13 Feb 09 02:00 writes

yes I can ping it .

The server belongs to me ...

Heres another question also.
If I'm using Visual Studio 2008 what version
of the software do you suggest that we install
to connect to a Linux CVS??
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 13 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Error clearly states that your host name can't be
resolved. Can you ping it?
--> Temple Universtiy (user)  at 12 Feb 09 02:00 writes

I still get the same message listed below:
Unable to open connection:
gethosbyname: unknown error login: Couldn't connect to remote server -
plink error
[login aborted]: Connection to server failed

If CVS reports that .cvspass file is absent,
please create it as empty file at the path CVS reported

How do I handle this???
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 12 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Version of plug-in depends only on your cvs server type, but not on client
software. You probably have to use series 1.x of plug-in which is intended
to use with linux server. Latest available version is

As the cvsroot you have to use either
but not the combination

Using :ssh: protocol you have to press the "Login" button first to let the
CVS to remember your log-in and password. Using :ext: protocol you have to
establish password less ssh connection. Try to use :ssh: first.
--> Temple Universtiy (user)  at 12 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Thanks Igor for your timely response.

Our CVSROOT Looks like ">"
I have also tried "".

What version of your software should we be using
if we are developing in Visual Studio 2005 (Version 8.0.50727)?

And what version of your software should we be using
if we are developing in Visual Studio 2008 ?

We know that you software works good.
We are just testing so we can make purchase. We have to have
your software tested by Friday (2/13/09)

Please Advise...
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 12 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Please let me know the CVSROOT you testing. This message occurs when we
detect answer from server that authorization failed. If you use :pserver:
protocol and generic cvs client this can be caused by fact that really
.cvspass file is missing. This file is used to store credinetial cache.
However new cvs client which is shipped with plug-in by default use
registry for credential cache and this is false error message.
--> Temple Universtiy (user)  at 11 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Listed below is the error message I get when
testing you software with Visual Studio 2005.

If CVS reports that .cvspass file is absent,
please crate it as empty file at the path CVS

Please advise.

We are testing this with PushOk CVS proxy version 1.3.8
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