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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

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SVNCOM problem to list

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 18 May 06 05:00 Updated: 24 May 06 05:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 24 May 06 05:00 writes

We checked your case. It seems that if trying to run this code without
adding PushokSVN into Project\References it can work as you described. In
such case enums used in SetOption are not known (but VB didn't warns about
that) and object not work. After adding library into refferences which can
be validated attempting to create object as new PushokSVN.SVNClient all
works fine.
--> demi (user)  at 23 May 06 05:00 writes

Any solution ?
Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
--> demi (user)  at 18 May 06 05:00 writes


It is the same error handaling ...

I got the same error.
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 18 May 06 05:00 writes

I am not sure, but my thoughts that such error shoul handled by "On Error
GoTo" statement. Like this
Sub main
On Error GoTo errorhappens
dim client
set client = CreateObject("PushOkSvn.SVNClient")
set list = client.List(http://server/svn/my_repository))
exit sub
MsgBox Err.Description
end sub
--> demi (user)  at 18 May 06 05:00 writes

I already do that (I think).

Here is my code in a VB click button.
at the first click I got the error - in the second click It works !

Dim SVNC As New SVNClient

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error Resume Next
Dim list1 As StringVector
Set SVNC = CreateObject("PushOkSvn.SVNClient")

SVNC.SetOption SvnClientOptionDefUserName, "dgoldberg"
SVNC.SetOption SvnClientOptionDefPassword, "demixxvv"

' init client

Dim inf As SVNWcInfoVector
'Set inf = SVNC.Info("c:\src")

'MsgBox inf.

Set src = CreateObject("PushOkSvn.StringVector")

Set list1 = New StringVector

'Set list1 = SVNC.list("file:///C:/SVNDB", , , False)
Set list1 =
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description
End If

end sub

--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 18 May 06 05:00 writes

When any method of COM object fail the exception with detailed error
description should be thrown. Try to catch it and check its content.
--> demi (user)  at 18 May 06 05:00 writes

I got the error "Method 'List' of object 'ISVNCClient' faild.

It is very strange - in the first running it didn't work and in the second

what can be the problem ?
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 18 May 06 05:00 writes

Could you clarify what you get after calling list command? An empty
list? Exception? If an exception what is error message?
--> demi (user)  at 18 May 06 05:00 writes


I am trying to access my svn repository using svncom api

I have a problem to set the list using the repository path http://... see
I check on local repository and it works fine:
set list = client.list(file:///e:/my_repository)

I need to use this command to access a remote repository.

If I am using the svn ls http://server/svn/my_repository
it works fine.

What is the problem ?


ub main
dim client
set client = CreateObject("PushOkSvn.SVNClient")
set list = client.List(http://server/svn/my_repository))
end sub
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