What type and version plug-in you use?
Try to activate plug-in as in previous times.
Instructions for registration you can find here:
http://www.pushok.com/soft_how_to_register.php.You should perform the steps described there.
In automatic mode, the registration happens automatically.
To register in manual mode you should do following steps:
1. Choose registration type as manualy and press button "Next".
2. Enter you login information and press button "Next".
3. The plug-in will generate program serial key automatically for you.
4. Copy program serial key.
5. Open link
http://pushok.com/user_view_programs.php in your browser.
6. Click on the link "Generate Key".
7. Enter program serial key in the edit box and click on the link "Next".
8. Copy license key.
9. Enter received license key to edit field in plug-in and press "Next"
10. Registration complete.