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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Requested operation not available offline

( SVNSCC , Rhapsody 7.1, 1.4.0.x, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 14 Dec 07 12:00 Updated: 17 Dec 07 12:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 17 Dec 07 12:00 writes

Please try to switch off "PushOk SVN Proxy properties/SVN options/Enable
online/offline background check procedure " option of plugin.
--> Ömer EL (user)  at 14 Dec 07 12:00 writes


I am using Rhapsody 7.1 and subversion as a configuration management tool.
I am also using PuskOK SVN-SCC plug-in.

1. I have done all settings in the Rhapsody project and connected to the
svn repository which is on the network.
2. From the Rhapsody configuration items, I have added my project files to
the repository. I have checked out files and than checked in the files back
to the repository without any problem.
3. Then I have closed the Rhapsody.
4. And later I opened the Rhapsody project in the local working directory.
5. I have wanted to check out the project and It has given the following
“No items in archive, archive checkout of “by reference” unit
6. Then from the configuration items in rhapsody, I have again hitted the
“connect to archieve” button and it said “already connected to archieve”.
7. I have seen from the repository browser that my project is in the
repository. But Rhapsody doesn’t see the items in the archieve.

Then I have tried to see the history of my project from the Rhapsody and it
has given the following error:

“Requested operation not available offline, Do you offline from the
server?” and then “Sorry, SVN repository still can not be reached”

I understood that Rhapsody has been connected to archieve but couldn’t
reached the repository at all.

What would be the reason for this error? Thank you…
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