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Question about RW Monitor expected behavior

( SVNSCC , VS .NET 2005, 1.4.0.x, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 01 Apr 08 04:00 Updated: 01 Apr 08 04:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 01 Apr 08 04:00 writes

It is almost right. Though RW Monitor can only trace the case when a local
file was changed after update and got new revision number. In other cases
RW Monitor thinks that the file is under editing and doesn't block (lock)
--> Peter Choi /Guidance Software Ken Basore (user)  at 01 Apr 08 04:00 writes

I have a question about the expected behavior or the RW Monitor.

I have observed that when I do an Update on my source from TortoiseSVN,
files that were previously R/O are then switched to writable. I expected
that the RW Monitor would then switch the attribute back to R/O, however
this does not seem to happen.

Based upon your response to the following ticket
(, it appears that it's
expected that RW Monitor will restore the R/O attribute after an Update
from TortoiseSVN. Is this true? Is there any way that we can update our
entire code directory (which contains items which are not in Visual Studio
projects) and retain our expected R/O states?
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