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PuTTY internal error: "Invalid Port Number"

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 12 May 04 05:00 Updated: 24 May 04 05:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 24 May 04 05:00 writes

We test this behavior on our side. And sorry think we cannot help. For some
reason sourceforge server return some stupid errors. Some time the same
operation is work, sometime not.
Probably this can be handled in WinCVS repeating this operation, however
plug-in need normally functioning server.
So problem not with plug-in or with putty. We tried both :ssh: and :ext:
protocols, the same effect. This some problem on sourceforge server.
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 19 May 04 05:00 writes

Ok. We will try to check the connection with our sourceforge account.
I will let you know results.
--> Rémon (user)  at 19 May 04 05:00 writes

This also gives "Invalid port number".
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 19 May 04 05:00 writes

Really not know what problem there can be. Our installation also
shipped with unix_cvs.exe. This is alternative cvs execuatble, native
*nix port. Could you please try to configure plug-in to use this
executable. This can be done on the "cvs executables page" of
configuration window. "unix_cvs.exe" located in the main installation
folder "C:\Programme\CVS Proxy\unix_cvs.exe"
--> Rémon (user)  at 18 May 04 05:00 writes

The debug log shows the following error:
"end of file from server (consult above messages if any)"

I also get these sometimes with WinCvs, but then I just try again and it
usually works. I get the impression that your software is either less
forgiving, or does a lot more calls to CVS.
Debug log 
--> Rémon (user)  at 13 May 04 05:00 writes

Thanx, will do. But I won't have time until Friday, or
possibly Saturday.
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--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 13 May 04 05:00 writes

Very strange. Please download download this debug
version of dll:
Replace existing one with this, and after login attempt send back to
me "debuglog.txt" file that you will find near the dll.
--> Rémon (user)  at 12 May 04 05:00 writes

I have PuTTY working with WinCVS.
The ssh solution does not work either. It seems to hang for a large amount
of time, then the same error message appears.
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 12 May 04 05:00 writes

You should test your putty installation first (Using WinCVS or just in
command line mode). As I know there are some broken version available
in the internet.
As simple alternative I can suggest to use build-in SSH protocol
available in CVS NT client (shipped with plug-in). It does not require
to have external SSH executables and password less connection. Just
use :ssh: as protocol instead of :ext:. See this ticket for details:
General faq about :ext: protocol and plug-in:
--> Rémon (user)  at 12 May 04 05:00 writes

I'm trying to access a CVS repository at SourceForge. I enter the CVSROOT
as follows: "". When pressing
the Check button, I get the error mentioned in the subject. What did I do
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