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Object status in Powerbuilder IDE

( SVNSCC , PowerBuilder, 1.4.0.x, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 04 Feb 09 02:00 Updated: 12 Feb 09 02:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 12 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Other developers just need to use refresh status command to see the right
status for files which have new version available in repository. If this is
not so then this is the bug or some misconfiguration.
--> RCUB (user)  at 06 Feb 09 02:00 writes

I upgraded plug-in, Subversion and Tortoise to 1.5 version as you
Now I see the status of objects in pbl but I must do "refresh status" of
the whole pbl every time if I want to see it.
It's not a problem but is it possible to see the status of the objects in
pbl when I click on pbl in library?

I have one more question :-).
When I check-in some object I worked on should the other developers do svn
update of the whole folder from the repository in order to see in
Powerbuilder IDE that the object is modified?
--> RCUB (user)  at 05 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Option you suggested was enabled earlier and the behaviour was the same.
I will upgrade the software and will tell you what happened.
--> Aleksey Kochetkov (admin)  at 05 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Try to enable "file is modified" in plug-in properties.
Tell me about the result.

I can suggest another way for a possible solution your problem.
Such situation is not observed when using the plug-in of version 1.5.x.
Install the plug-in version 1.5.x, but you also need to update Tortoise and
Subversion to versions 1.5.x.
Try to repeat your situation after that. Tell me about the results.
--> RCUB (user)  at 05 Feb 09 02:00 writes

OK. Here's the link to the screenshots.
--> RCUB (user)  at 05 Feb 09 02:00 writes

I atached images again but neither I can not download any of the atached
I will sharefiles somewhere and send you the link later.
--> RCUB (user)  at 05 Feb 09 02:00 writes

OK. I packed them into zip file.
--> Aleksey Kochetkov (admin)  at 04 Feb 09 02:00 writes

I could not open the screenshots. Please attach them again.
--> RCUB (user)  at 04 Feb 09 02:00 writes

Hi PushOK team,

I have recently purchased SCNSCC proxy but I have few problems working with
I am using Powerbuilder 10.5.2, Subversion 1.4.6, Tortoise 1.4.8 and SVNSCC
proxy 1.4.6.
I have set up my source control connection in PB as you can see in atached

My problem is:
When the object is checked out by other developer I can not see it as
checked out in PB IDE. When I do refresh status of all objects in pbl
nothing happens!

What do I have to do to see the object status properly?
I don't want to use Tortoise every time to check object status, I want to
see that status in PB IDE.
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