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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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New objects are not being added to my PBL.

( SVNSCC , PowerBuilder, 1.5.x, WIN 2000/XP, x86  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 04 May 10 05:00 Updated: 17 Jun 10 06:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 17 Jun 10 06:00 writes

Please first red next info :

Some information you may find in SVN and plug-in documentation (after
plugin installation this files are here "C:\Program
"C:\Program Files\Pushok Software\SVNSCC\svn-book.pdf")

The plugin works with PB through MS SCC API, its escription you may find at
(search "MS SCC API v1.")

About PB work with SCC systems you better to know at PB site. We don't work
on PB and don't know its features.
--> David Yaeger (user)  at 19 May 10 05:00 writes

Just a note to refresh the status of this message.
Still waiting for a reply.
--> David Yaeger (user)  at 06 May 10 05:00 writes

Here is the debuglog, and pbscc log from computer B that is not seeing
n_test_add and n_test_add2

I copied debug DLL. Opened Powerbuilder.
Project already had all objects Checked out.
Performed a Get Latests.
said ok to overwrite.
compiled with errors; displayed compile errors (visible in pbscc log)
Closed Powerbuilder.
debuglog.txt  pbscc105.log 
--> Aleksey Kochetkov (admin)  at 05 May 10 05:00 writes

The fastest way to find problem is to use the debug dll.
Download it here:

Unzip to overwrite existing. You will find debuglog.txt near the dll.
Send it to me for analysis.
Thank you in advance.
--> David Yaeger (user)  at 04 May 10 05:00 writes

Connection Log from computer B... Objects missing are n_test_add 1 and 2
Also updated pushok to vers 1.6.3, Subversion server is also 1.6.3

Serializing SCC Status Cache...
16 status entries saved in D:\Repository_files\PB10.5\test\test.pbc.
5/4/2010 14:13 Source control terminated


5/4/2010 14:14 Source Management Initialization...
Scc Provider: PushOk SVNSCC
UserID: mhunt
Project Path: Test_MLH
Aux Project Path:|user:mhunt|rev:HEAD
Local Project Path: D:\Repository_files\PB10.5\test

Scc multi-threading defaulting to TRUE
Connection to source control established
PushOk SVNSCC Status: Fetching file list for:
PushOk SVNSCC Status: Fetching status for :
Serializing SCC Status Cache...
16 status entries saved in D:\Repository_files\PB10.5\test\test.pbc.
5/4/2010 14:15 Source control terminated

PBG File list

Save Format v3.0(19990112)
@begin Libraries
"test\\genapp.pbl" "";
@begin Objects
"test\\n_genapp_connectservice.sru" "test\\genapp.pbl";
"test\\p_genapp_exe.srj" "test\\genapp.pbl";
"test\\m_genapp_main.srm" "test\\genapp.pbl";
"test\\w_genapp_main.srw" "test\\genapp.pbl";
"test\\n_test_add.sru" "test\\genapp.pbl";
"test\\w_genapp_about.srw" "test\\genapp.pbl";
"test\\genapp.sra" "test\\genapp.pbl";
"test\\n_test_add2.sru" "test\\genapp.pbl";

--> David Yaeger (user)  at 04 May 10 05:00 writes

I have several issues. Any Help would be GREAT....

I am working in a small development environment, currently with 3 computer
connected to SVN. I am using powerbuiler 9 and 10.5 with pushok vers
I tried to updgrade Pushok to 1.6.6 and svntortiose to 1.6.7 but I got
error messages about being out of date and I lost all my registrations.
but that is another story. I had to revert back to the old version to get
everything working again.

Main Problem:
I have all 3 computer bound to the repository. Everything works great for
check out and check in like it should for existing objects. My Problem
comes in when Computer A creates a new object. I add it to source control,
ect. Everything on computer A works great. If I go to computer B or C, do
a status refresh and Get Latest, the New object created on computer A is
not visible and creates compile error for invalid object. If I look at the
PBG file, the new object is listed. If I go to the local folder on
computer B, C do and SVN update with Tortoise, the *.sr files is pulled
down to the local folder for the new object.

How do I get svn/pushok to update my PBL with the new object without having
to go to each computer and do a manual Import?
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