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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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IDE reports client too old

( SVNSCC , Rhapsody (standard microsoft SCC interface), 1.3.1.x, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 27 Sep 06 09:00 Updated: 27 Sep 06 09:00
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--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 27 Sep 06 09:00 writes

Current version of plug-in cannot work simultaneously
with clients version > 1.4. This is due to changes in working copy. So
if you want to use both SVN SCC and Tortoise you have to downgrade the
last to version 1.3.xx, at least until new plug-in will be released.
However this not affect server which can be 1.4.

Also you can read next article :

--> Laroche Thomas (user)  at 27 Sep 06 09:00 writes

I was using the PUSH OK SVNSCC version 1.2 without problem. In parallel, I
was working with Turtoise SVN for browsing my sources.

Recently, I have upgraded Turtoise SVN to version 1.4, and done some
configuration moves with it. Since then, my SVNSCC proxy is not working
properly anymore, reporting that the client is too old.

Now, with SVNSCC 1.3.1 and the SVN COM library, it still doesn't work. I
get the following message in my IDE:
COM.SvnClient.Error, HRESULT=0x80020009
This client is too old to work with working copy
'D:\users\tle\project\model'; please get a newer Subversion client.
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