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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Git SCC Plugin with Access 2007

( GITSCC , Access 2007, 1.0.x, WIN 7, x64  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 09 Jun 10 06:00 Updated: 22 Jun 10 06:00
--> Sam Nelson (user)  at 22 Jun 10 06:00 writes


Thanks again for the quick response on these issues! I have tested the new
RC3 version and have not been able to recreate the hard crash and unhandled
exception. The new version works great now, thank you.

Best regards,

--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 22 Jun 10 06:00 writes

Please download and test new version of plug-in.
You can download it here :

--> Sam Nelson (user)  at 17 Jun 10 06:00 writes


Thank you very much for the quick resolution of this issue! I have tested
the new version and I can now successfully create a repository from Access
2007. I am also able to check-in and check-out files without any issue.

There are two small issues remaining that I'd like to bring to your

1. Unhandled Exception when using "Show Differences". Seems to happen
regardless of which conflict editor is used (Tortoise Diff Tool or the
built-in conflict editor). The exception is generated after the diff tool
is closed, I've attached a screen shot of the exception and the detail

2. Hard crash of Access 2007 (no error message) when clicking on "Advanced"
under Source Code Control Options. Attached is a screenshot of the
settings selected in the options window.

Let me know if I can assist with troubleshooting these problems.

Best regards,

Unhandled exception.png  Unhandled Exception - Details.txt  Souce Code Control Options.png 
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 17 Jun 10 06:00 writes

--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 17 Jun 10 06:00 writes

Please download and test new version of plug-in.
--> Aleksey Kochetkov (admin)  at 16 Jun 10 06:00 writes

We find problem and will fix it.
--> Sam Nelson (user)  at 10 Jun 10 06:00 writes

I'd like to add a quick update to my earlier problem. In my continued
troubleshooting this morning, I tried using the trial version ( of
the SVNSCC plugin and it works great with Access 2007. I was able to check
objects in and out of a SVN repository that I set up. I tried both the
32bit and 64bit versions but could only get the 32bit version to work

I hope that will help in diagnosing the problem.

Best regards,

--> Sam Nelson (user)  at 09 Jun 10 06:00 writes


First of all, thank you for the excellent work that you've done on the
various SCC Plugins that you have created. For those of us that prefer
source control software besides Source Safe, they are a lifesaver.

I am rather new to the world of source control on Windows, so my issue may
just be related to a lack of understanding. Typically I develop on Linux
using git and other source control systems. However, recently I have been
tasked with working on an Access 2007 database and I would like to put the
forms, modules and queries under source control.

I have installed the Access developer extensions and version 1.0.0.RC1 of
the git SCC plugin. Access properly recognizes Git SCC as a MSSCCI
provider and I get the "Source Control" ribbon. However, the only options
ever available are the following:

* Add database to PushOk Git SCC plug-in
* Create from PushOk Git SCC plug-in
* Run PushOk Git SCC plug-in
* Options

I've tried a number of times using the option "Adding the database to
PushOk Git SCC plug-in". It seems to succeed but the repository is empty
(only the .git directory structure and base files are created).

All options under the "Object Source Control" ribbon box are greyed out.
And no matter what I do I cannot check-in or out objects from the database.
I've attached a screenshot of what the ribbon looks like.

Here are my system specs:
Core 2 Duo T9600
Windows 7 64
MS Office 2007 Professional Plus

Any ideas? I am assuming that the plugin should work fine with Access as
the developer extensions support source control via a MSSCCI provider. I'd
be happy to take some time to help troubleshoot this problem if needed.

Best regards,

Access 2007 screenshot.png 
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