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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Fetching File List for

( SVNSCC , PowerBuilder, 1.6.x, WIN 2000/XP, x86  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 25 May 10 05:00 Updated: 31 May 10 05:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 31 May 10 05:00 writes

Please test this operation using TortoiseSVN and compare performance time.
--> Askesis Development IT Department (user)  at 25 May 10 05:00 writes

Every time when I checkout an object in Powerbuilder 11.5, Pushok does the
following operation Fetch List, Fetch Status, delete files etc to locking
the file.

We have about 4000 objects in one node and a couple of other nodes with
about 200 objects each. For some internal reasons we cannot split the node
with 4000 objects.

The problem is when the fetching file list happens, the checkout takes a
very long time . Since we run thru apache I can see that the Apache server
takes up the processor speed to about 90%. Other operations are good and
don't take more time. Is there anyway you can change the PushOK not to do
the fetch list when checking out a file in Powerbuilder

Let me know


Here is a output from PB

---------- Source Control
Checking out selected items...
PushOk SVNSCC Info: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
PushOk SVNSCC Info: \ PushOk SVN proxy /
PushOk SVNSCC Info: / Copyright 2004-2009, Version1.6.6.2 \
PushOk SVNSCC Info: \ /
PushOk SVNSCC Info: / Thanks to all GNU projects related to SVN \
PushOk SVNSCC Info: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
PushOk SVNSCC Info:

PushOk SVNSCC Status: Fetching file list for: C:/Documents and
Settings/venksx2/My Documents/My PB
********The above process takes a long time ******************

PushOk SVNSCC Status: Fetching status for : C:/Documents and
Settings/venksx2/My Documents/My PB
PushOk SVNSCC Status: Deleting files in: C:/Documents and
Settings/venksx2/My Documents/My PB
PushOk SVNSCC Status: Updating files in: C:/Documents and
Settings/venksx2/My Documents/My PB
PushOk SVNSCC Status: Fetching status for : C:/Documents and
Settings/venksx2/My Documents/My PB
PushOk SVNSCC Status: Reserved checkout files in: C:/Documents and
Settings/venksx2/My Documents/My PB
PushOk SVNSCC Status: Locked : pb/w_txp_builder_planlist_legend.srw
Importing w_txp_builder_planlist_legend.srw . . .
Compiling types for w_txp_builder_planlist_legend.srw . . .
Regenerating w_txp_builder_planlist_legend.srw . . .
Successfully checked out C:\Documents and Settings\venksx2\My Documents\My
version 1129
Operation Completed
---------- Done Source Control

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