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Error during Get latest version operation

( SVNSCC , PowerBuilder,, WIN 2000/XP  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 22 Jan 09 01:00 Updated: 29 Jan 09 01:00
--> Alexander Somov (admin)  at 29 Jan 09 01:00 writes

When you run the "Get Latest Version" operation, PowerBuilder will receive
the latest versions of files from repository and will try to compile them
before importing to your PBL file. If compilation will be completed with an
error, you will see the message about which you write. Therefore, first
make sure that the changes that have made another developer, are correct.

Also you can try to delete all the files that were automatically generated
by PowerBuilder for SCC (*.SR*), and then run "Get Latest Version" (in case
something is not working properly). PowerBuilder will fetch the latest
versions of these files form repository. Generally, only PBLs and PBT files
required to start working with the project.

About the read-only libraries. Setting the read-only attribute on
automatically generated files is the normal behavior of the program.
According to the documentation, "PowerBuilder creates read-only object
files in the local root directory for each PowerBuilder object that you add
to source control". I think, there's nothing to worry.
--> Bernard TORRES (user)  at 22 Jan 09 01:00 writes


I\'m using PowerBuilder 10.2.1 Build 9858, Subversion 1.5.5 with
TortoiseSVN 1.5.6 and PushOk SVN SCC Plugin

I\'m in trouble with the operation of Get Latest version. When I try to get
developer\'s modifications, I have this error :

\"Compile failure\" \"One or more PowerBuilder objects failed to compile in
your local PBL(s) after getting the latest revision from the source control
Press OK to accept the imported objects even with compile failures.\"

When I have a look through Windows Explorer into my local directories, I
can see that the developper did changes on some PB objects. And I can see
the changes by opening the PB object with a browser...

Question : what can I do in order to do a global \"Get Latest version\" on
the target in order to update my local directory ?
And another question : why all the PB objects inside all libraries are
read-only (through Windows Explorer) ?

Thanks in advance for your help
Bernard Torres
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