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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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( CVSSCC , VS .NET, 1.3.x, WIN 2000/XP, UNIX  )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 03 Dec 05 12:00 Updated: 05 Dec 05 12:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 05 Dec 05 12:00 writes

I will close this ticket because it initial theme not corresponds to new
ones. If you'll not find my explanation enough, you have to open new
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 05 Dec 05 12:00 writes

Well, the issue with local path is an another thing. You can make
search of tickets on "unified root" phrase for more info and read my
brief explanation below.
VS .NET determines the local path itself and this cannot be changed. VS
.NET consider this as "unified root", i.e. nearest common ancestor to all
files which are registered in your solution. So, if all your files are
inside "C:\work\mysolution" the unified root will be
"C:\work\mysolution". However if you include at least one file from
"C:\libs" the unified root will be "C:\". So, you need to determine
which files, being included into your project, cause this issue. And the
fix it excluding these files from solution or source control, either
putting them into solution folder tree.
--> Robert Minnis (user)  at 04 Dec 05 12:00 writes

Thanks for the hint. I was able to get the SSH connection working.
But, I am now confused on one setting: The Local Path is set to C:\
and cannot be changed. This appears to indicate that all machines
using the repository must have their projects stored at the same
relative location. Specifically, on one machine all projects are
stored in a folder on the Desktop while on another the specific
project may be stored in a completely different location. But, when
I add the project to the repository from the first machine, the
repositiory's directory structure includes everything from C:\ on.
Is there a way to set the local path to avoid this problem?
And, when adding the solution, I get several errors. A screenshot of
the first one is attached. The others appear to be CVS trying to
recreate the solution file after adding it. Since the file is open,
this fails.
Rob Minnis
Ruiz Protective Service, Inc.
--> Robert Minnis (user)  at 03 Dec 05 12:00 writes

Thanks for the quick response.
1 - OpenSSH (I also have Putty installed but have not tried it for this)
2 - Unix
Rob Minnis
Ruiz Protective Service, Inc.
On Dec 3, 2005, at 3:32 AM, Pushok Software wrote:
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 03 Dec 05 12:00 writes

I am believe that you already have some good description because you
know what means password less connection and so on. So you may stuck on
issue which is not described any were because it is considered as
"all know that this should be done so". For example this can be access
rights and location for your public key on server and so on.
So, just lets try to find issue, I can help to do this.
Some questions first:
1. As OpenSSH you mean cygwin ssh or putty client package?
2. Your server is *nix or windows based?
--> Robert Minnis (user)  at 03 Dec 05 12:00 writes

I\'m reviewing your CVS plugin for Visual Studio but I\'ve hit a snag that
I do not know how to remedy. I\'ve setup OpenSSH to use passwordless
logins but it still prompts for a password (the password is blank and the
public key has been transferred). I\'m obviously missing something in
setting up OpenSSH but I don\'t know what or where to look.

Do you have a quick reference or a link to a good site?


Rob Minnis
Ruiz Protective Service, Inc.
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