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Check-in on files in multiple projects causes multiple commits

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 18 Feb 05 02:00 Updated: 21 Feb 05 02:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 21 Feb 05 02:00 writes

If you talking about VS 6.0 - yes, it sumbit files groupped by each
project. No any chance to change this. The reason is that theriotically
each project can be located in it's own SVNURL, not intersecting with
workspace SVNURL.
VS .NET smarter in this behavior. It groups files by it's location in
--> mark (user)  at 18 Feb 05 02:00 writes

I'm not sure whether this is a feature or a bug, or a VS issue, or
something I'm just not understanding.

When checking in a group of files from various projects, I was hoping to
have them all committed at once, but instead they're committed with
separate commits for each project and another for the workspace. If I were
using the command line client I'd give all the file names on the command
line (or the project names at least) and they'd be committed as a single

Is there a setting that can be changed to alter this behaviour? Or is it
something that Visual Studio enforces?
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