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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Changing PC from XP to Windows 7

( Common )
Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 07 Mar 11 03:00 Updated: 20 Apr 11 04:00
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 20 Apr 11 04:00 writes

Yes you are absolutely right, you need use a 32-bit plugin.
--> Carol Wilmesherr Hipolito Fierro (user)  at 20 Apr 11 04:00 writes

I believe I need to continue to use the same 32 bit client.

PowerBuilder 12.1 did not recognize the x64 bit client, even though it
installed okay, and the keys were in the registry of the pc, where
PowerBuilder expected them.

PowerBuilder12.1 is a 32-bit application that runs on win7, so believe I
still need to use the x32 pushOK client.

So far, so good. If I have any more trouble, I will update this ticket.
--> Carol Wilmesherr Hipolito Fierro (user)  at 20 Apr 11 04:00 writes

Can you confirm which of the 2x series downloads I need to get to use for

Is it the CVSSCCNT x64?
--> Oleg Akolupin (admin)  at 09 Mar 11 03:00 writes

The latest versions of plug-ins work well for Win 7.
--> Carol Wilmesherr Hipolito Fierro (user)  at 07 Mar 11 03:00 writes

We are going to move to Windows 7 pcs.

Can you let me know if our current version of pushOK is compliant on
windows 7 or if I need to download a different version.

Also, please let me know if there is any cost/charge if we need to switch
to a different version.

Thank you,
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