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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

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SVNCOM History

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15 MAR 2010 - Version
ADJ Released stable version of plug-ins.
21 JAN 2010 - Version 1.6.6.RC0
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.6.6 code.
21 AUG 2009 - Version
ADJ Released stable version of plug-ins.
14 AUG 2009 - Version 1.6.3.RC0
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.6.3 code.
06 AUG 2009 - Version
ADJ Released stable version of plug-ins.
14 JUL 2009 - Version
BUG Fixed crash bug in ISVNClient::Copy function.
BUG Fixed memory leak bug in authentication functions.
15 JUN 2009 - Version
ADJ Use reasonable defaults for Diff when no revisions were specified. (Actually, we need it for access to "working copy" revision, because it has no predefined name, like "HEAD" or "BASE").
11 MAY 2009 - Version
ADJ Add 128-bit encryption support for sasl plugin DIGEST-MD5.
30 APR 2009 - Version
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.6.0 code.
27 FEB 2009 - Version
BUG Fixed leak of memory in CSVNClient::AddFiles.
BUG Fixed function SccQueryInfoEx for PB. Now it takes files' version numbers from repository.
BUG Fixed function CSVNClient::CheckOut. Now its befaviour shouldn't differ from "svn checkout" command behaviour.
15 OCT 2008 - Version
ADJ Released stable version
30 JUL 2008 - Version 1.5.1.RC0
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.5.1 code.
17 JUL 2008 - Version
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.5.0 code.
12 FEB 2008 - Version
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.4.6 code.
BUG Project moved to VS2005 (mostly in order to use new ATL version, compatible with DEP).
07 DEC 2007 - Version
BUG Added new functions GetPropFirst2 (SAFEARRAY** pData) and GetPropNext2 (SAFEARRAY** pData) for better compatibility with VBScript / JScript
11 OCT 2007 - Version
BUG Fixed bug with using non-ASCII symbols.
02 OCT 2007 - Version
BUG Finally fixed bug with falling SVNCOM.
BUG Finally fixed bug with verifying online/offline server status.
BUG Bug with saving some entrase file in XML format fixed.
29 AUG 2007 - Version
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.4.5 code.
29 NOV 2006 - Version
NEW Added function SvnTimeToHumanString. This function convert Date/time from svn internal format (int64) to string.
15 NOV 2006 - Version
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.4.0 code.
NEW Added function LinkWithParentFolder. Join specified local folder with parent folder into single tree.
NEW Added function GetConflictRev. This function retrives the suffixes of base/theirs/mine files for given file for which conflict is in effect.
NEW Added function GetSvnUrl. This function retrives the SVNURL for given working path.
10 JUL 2006 - Version
ADJ Version change
17 MAY 2006 - Version 1.3.1.RC1
ADJ Library linked against SVN 1.3.1 code.
ADJ Error objects from svn library now are processed recursively, so the full error information is thrown outside of COM object.
NEW Added function RaGetReposiotryRoot. This function retrives the root SVNURL or repository URL for given server path.
NEW Added function RaCheckUrlKind. Function check URL in repository and reports is it a file or folder.
30 MAR 2006 - Version 1.3.0
ADJ The "Log" function modified to return data in native format rather than textual.
Version 1.3.0_RC3_090306
ADJ Annotate function now get a peg revision as parameter and returns result as an object.
ADJ All objects of library now use free threaded marshaller and should be registered in MTA.
ADJ Dll linked with NEON 2.5.5 which eliminates SSPI authentication issue.
BUG Fixed issue with option "SvnClientOptionAppartReentrantEvents". It has no effect earlier.
BUG Fixed issue with spaces in file names working via http or https protocol.
Version 1.3.0_RC2_100206
NEW Added functions for managing revision properties - RevPropGet/Set/Del/List.
Version 1.3.0_RC1_010206 initial version

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