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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

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You have chosen SVN SCC plug-in program.
For download available following components (click on component name to start download)

Component group Component name Description Update date
Add-ons Power Merge Tools 1.0.0 Free enhanced merge/compare tools made by PushOk Software. Requires Java platform >= 1.3 2007-03-14
General information :

Two first numbers of the plug-in version correspond to subversion version number with which plug-in is linked and designed to work (uses the features).

For better usability for plug-in version <=1.2 it is recommended usage of patched versions of SVN clients. Patches have the following abbreviations.

  • CR - patch that mimics "Checkout read-only" option of CVS. Makes newly pulled and committed files read-only.
  • WP- patch that makes SVN compatible with VS .NET web projects. It instruct SVN to place it's sandbox into "_svn" subfolder (instead of ".svn").
Release Candidates SVNSCC 1.8.9.RC1 It is release candidate of 1.8.x version. 2015-04-02
SVNSCC x64 1.8.9.RC1 It is release candidate of 1.8.x version for 64 bit system. 2015-04-02
Version 1.7.13.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.7.13 2013-10-24
SVNSCC x64 Support features of Subversion 1.7.13 for 64 bit system. 2013-10-24
Version 1.7.2.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.7.2 2012-12-21
SVNSCC x64 Support features of Subversion 1.7.2 for 64 bit system. 2012-12-21
Version 1.6.17.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.6.17 2011-10-20
SVNSCC x64 Support features of Subversion 1.6.17 for 64 bit system. 2011-10-20
Version 1.6.6.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.6.6 2010-03-15
SVNSCC x64 Support features of Subversion 1.6.6 for 64 bit system. 2010-03-15
Version 1.6.3.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.6.3 2009-08-21
SVNSCC x64 Support features of Subversion 1.6.3 for 64 bit system. 2009-08-21
Version 1.6.0.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.6.0 2009-08-06
SVNSCC x64 Support features of Subversion 1.6.0 for 64 bit system. 2009-08-06
Version 1.5.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.5.1 2009-04-28
Version 1.4.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.4 2008-02-28
Version 1.3.x SVNSCC Support features of Subversion 1.3 and SCC API 1.3. Accesses subversion through SVNCOM library 2007-01-31
Version 1.2.x (old) SVNSCC 1.2.4 Support features of Subversion 1.2 2005-10-24
TortoiseSVN_CR 2005-06-26
TortoiseSVN_CR_WP 2005-06-26
SVN CLIENT & SERVER Version 1.2.0 2005-06-26

After downloading and installing program that need to be licensed you should register it before using. Even if you want to use it in evaluation or free mode. The evaluation period for commercial programs (not free) usually limited to 30 days, and then you should stop using program or buy commercial license. The free programs do not have any limitations.

Thank you for interest to our program.

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