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Image Capture

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Our group has developed a set of small utilities for image processing. All these utilities are implemented only for Win32 API, so the code size is minimal, and of course the speed is maximal. Below you can find a short description of two utilities.

Capture programm main window "Capture" is software for grabbing images from desktop. You can select many grab area options with it, perform single or sequence snapshots, save graphic files in Jpeg, Bmp or Png format. The program also supports export of image sequence to AVI or ASF video clip. And moreover, it supports internal compressed file format for storing the sequence of grabbed images. All images which you can find here are prepared by "Capture".

Capture programm main window "Image Convertor". DLL is intended for converting images from BMP file format to any of the following: JPEG, PNG, GIF, PCX, TIFF. It can perform image cropping, convert color depth, preview source and destination images. It also allows change of properties of the destination file format. In the picture there is a snapshot, where user has changed jpeg quality level. At the top you see the source image, at the bottom - the destination one. Jpeg quality is set to "poor", and you see destination image of poor quality. But as the size of a file of such a quality is dramatically small, probably it is a reasonable choice (the file size is also calculated by the program). DLL has only two exported functions and can be connected to any application.

Total project development time: 21 developer days
Lines of the code: > 12 000
Used tools: MSVC++, Intel VTUNE, MS VSS
Used technologies: C++, WIN32 API

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