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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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New version 1.2.040806 of Pushok CVSSCC Proxy released

The full list of changes in this release can be found bellow. Most
important are the speed improvements and support for “edit –z” option. The
major speed improvement release (1.3) still in development, but implemented
changes can be also helpful.
New release can be downloaded from:

Added support for 3-way merge tools (araxis or kdiff3).

Added support for new CVS NT client option "cvs edit -z". This option
allows to compress files in "CVS/base" folder. This reduces space occupied
by cvs sundbox and prevent doubling of search results. Support fot this
option now exist also in TortoiseCVS.

Added option to use "cvs ls" command. Command supported by CVS NT server.
Swithing on this option you can improve plug-in speed.

Plug-in now shipped with CVS NT 2.0.51a. This version tested and approved
to use with plug-in.
NEW Added support for 3-way merge tools (araxis or kdiff3)

Several speed optimizations for "Get latest operation". Now plug-in work
faster for large projects. Optimization aslo applies to *unix cvs server
users. Option to sinc file name case with server work much faster.

Removed annoying message that appears on adding already registered in CVS
files to VS .NET IDE.

Fixed bug that cause access lock for all folders inside project.

Fixed bug with loosing changes in PB after calling History dialog.

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