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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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New major update of CVS SCC plug-ins - versions 1.4 and 2.1 release candidate 1

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We are pleased to announce new versions of both series of plug-ins. New
versions are not fully redesigned but contain important changes for newest
version of IDE and contain significant improvements in some aspects.
So, the most important change is the support of new SCC API 1.3 which
makes sense for usage with new IDE like VS 2005. Other changes are listed

Support of new SCC API 1.3. This greatly increases plug-in usability and
provides better compatibility with VS 2005.

Improved procedure of conflict resolution. Now it is possible to resolve
conflict at any time and not only right after it appears.

Added support for 3-way compare tools for conflict resolutions.

Added new utility - PushokRWMon. This utility solves issue with read-only
files behavior. PushokRWMon runs in background and monitor changes of
"entries" files adjusting read-only flag as necessary. It enables it when
file is not "checked out" and disables otherwise.

Added new utility - PushokCVSTools. Right now this utility has two extra
function that we not found in other CVS GUI: changing of server binding and
deleting of temporary files. Both functions are relatively simple but
useful. The first function recursively replaces content of "/cvs/root"
making possible to change server name or user name without re-pulling
sources. The second function recursively erases some temporary files which
produced by CVS during work.

Installer now is MSI based.

CVS clients have been updated for both plug-in series. However there are no
any extra functionality is added

Progress dialog now appears more correctly.

Implemented fixes for compatibility with Micorsoft FoxPro.

Implemented fixes for compatibility with SlickEdit.

"Bind to CVS" (Open from source control) now appears without delays.

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