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Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Minor update of CVS SCC proxy version (1.5/2.2).0.RC2 has been released.

We are proud to announce new major upgrade of CVSSCC plug-in. In addition
to several minor improvements new version introduces one major changes:
* Update and re-writing of plug-in code to support latest run-time
libraries from VS .NET 2008. This helps to provide better support for new
version of Windows and also build native version for x64 platform. We know
very few IDE which have version for x64 platform, so feedback from users
who have such IDE are highly appreciated.

We are considering RC2 version as stable enough, as it passes out internal
test and successfully used by hundreds of users. However because code-base
was greatly re-written and build with run-time libraries we encourage you
to not use this version in production critical environment. In the same
time we'll appreciate any feedback for this version.

Download link:

Version includes following changes:

Several bug fixes applied for x64 installation package

SwitchScc utility has been ported to x64 platform

Fixed regression bug in SccPopulateList function which prevents submitting
of known files to IDE

Corrected behavior of SccDiff and SccQueryInfo functions to provide more
correct information when file has difference against repository. This fix
improves PowerBuilder functionality.

Added ability to make a true diff of local file with repository when
corresponding options are specified for SccDiff function. This fix also
greatly affect PowerBuilder behavior.

Plug-in now compiled using latest run-time libraries from VC.NET 2008
distribution to provide better compatibility with new version of Windows.

Native version for x64 platform now available.

Added new option "Close progress dialog window in 'X' seconds of
inactivity.". Now it is possible to leave progress window opened until
manual closing. This helps to browse log messages when using with some IDE
which doesn't have or clean their log messages window.

Added new option "Remove local changes when updating files before
checkout/undo checkout.". This fix affects PowerBuilder IDE which
occasionally changes local version of files by adding extra spaces or new

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