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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Minor update of CVS SCC proxy version (1.4/2.1).2.5 has been released.

Minor releases occurs for both branches of CVS proxy. Versions can be
downloaded here:
List of changes for this release can be found below.

Now we create subprojects in the parent project folder instead of
repository root.
Also we use requested project name as the base name for the new subproject
when creating unique names with "_N" ending.

CVSROOT selection dialog could be locked if user clicks on Visual Studio
IDE controls when "login" dialog appears.
In this case the IDE will be locked too, because CVSROOT selection dialog
could not be closed.
(It seems that we should not open two modal dialogs with the same parent
simultaneously due to MFC limitations).

Don't create progress window if corresponding option is turned off (in
order to improve compatibility with different buggy IDEs).

ADJ - for only
Use 'ls' when getting repository listing or checking module existence.
Added new option in CVSROOT settings that allows user to select preferred
Browsing for module should work much faster now, especially for large

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