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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Important issue: CVS NT 2.0.58 compatibility

As usual, new _minor_ release of CVS NT contain _major_ changes. Due
to that changes latest version of plug-in (1.2.040806) are incompatible
with that version of CVS NT.
CVS NT 2.0.58 contains lot of significant changes. Most visible are:
rename support, strict exclusive locking support. This changes cause change
of format of "CVS sandbox". For example for now CVSNT not use file
"Baserev" for edited files. That means that working copy maintained by CVS
NT 2.0.58 is incompatible with older releases. Also CVS NT 2.0.58 server is
not fully compatible with older version of CVS NT.
In other words you can use new version of CVS NT only and when you
update _all_ your clients and server to 2.0.58. For that moment nor the
WinCVS, nor the Tortoise CSV, nor our plug-in not support that version. So,
for that moment we still suggest to use CVS NT 2.0.51(with any letter).
We are working now on adaptation of plug-in for new CVS NT client.
However we plan combine this work with new major version update of plug-in
(which is almost ready). So, it is expected, that new version of plug-in,
compatible with CVS NT >2.0.58, will be published in the end of November.

Thank you for understanding.

Pushok Software Team.

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