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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

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First official release of Pushok SVN SCC Proxy is published (1.0.040820)

‘PushOk Software’ team is proud to announce first official release of SVN
SCC Proxy. During internal testing on some of our real projects which was
converted from CVS to SVN repository only few minor adjustments was made.
We will continue use our plug-in in production for those projects, which
will help us constantly test plug-in. Plug-in price is the same as for CVS
SCC Proxy plug-in - 19 $Usd.

Note please, that we recommend to use our plug-in with patched for
read-only flag compatibility clients. These clients (and patch itself) can
be downloaded from our web site. We will continue publish such patched
versions of clients, untill this functionality will be included into SVN
(probably starting from version 1.2).

New release can be downloaded from:

'Check in' (commit) now is better group files, to make the minimum commit

'Open from source control' command now produces local copy that can contain
(optionally) subfolders not registered in IDE.

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