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Major update of SVN SCC plug-in - versions 1.7.2 are finaly released

Major update of SVNCOM version 1.7.2 are finaly released

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Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 01 Jul 04 07:00 Updated: 04 Jul 04 07:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 04 Jul 04 07:00 writes

Your document contain many questions, and I prefer if we will solve
them step by step. So for first several common words:
1. PowerBuilder have _very_ specific SourceControl integration and we
spend lot of time to make our plug-in compatible with plug-in. The
main specific is that SourceControl (SC) integration was added not
from beginning, and in some aspect it is like some "extension to a
palace". The main problem that files (objects from libraries) are not
self-sufficient. I.e. even you have all your objects under source
control you still need binary files (pbl and pbw) to deploy project to
other PC. That means that to deploy sources to other development PC
you need copy pbl and pbw files to other PC and then configure
workspace to be source controlled. All other systems can pull entire
sources from source control from scratch.
As the interesting cause of this, is that adding of new pbl into
workspace will need to copy it manually to other PC.
This also limit functionality for tag and branches. PB will not allow
to use tag or branches that will cause change (adding or removing) of
pbl. I.e. you can rollback to tag or switch to branch only if the
structure of the libraries is the same.
2. All information that I can suggest to you is:
a) Our help. It contains PB specific insturctions for initial adding
of project and pulling files from source control.
b) Specific configuration instruction for PB in our help
c) Good article for PB SCC implemention
3. Now we have many customers who use PB and CVS (via our plug-in).
Including such companies as Voodafone. So I am sure that it works with
it, and I will help you to get it work for you.
Now regarding first your questions:
1. For beginning lets forget about tag and branches, you will learn
them later.
2. You should _not_ use any other CVSGUI clients to work with CVS. At
least at this stage. You may be found in our docs that it is _very_
important to perform "initial add" and "pull from" source control
operations from IDE. Some time, users first add all objects in WinCVS
or other GUI client and have some problems to bind existing project in
IDE. It is better that you project will be _not_ controlled by any
system when you start to work.
3. About termins:
Project in PB - is equal to Module in CVS. This is just relative path
inside repository. You can type it in PB configuration, or choose in
"Connect to CVS" pressing "...".
Local root directory - this is folder where PB will extract object
text files from libraries. Usually it shoud be the same as your
library root. For you case this is probably "c:\pb9apps\"
CVSROOT, not appears in PB. This is physical address of server.
4. Initial adding
a) You should open your workspace
b) Right click on it and choose properties
c) Select "CVS SCC proxy" as source control provider
d) Choose your local root directory "c:\pb9apps\"
e) Press on "..." near the project. Type "pb9apps" as module, choose
CVSROOT. Press "Create" for module. Press ok
g) Click "Connect" in properties
h) All objects inside libraries and targets should appear with "+"
sign. That means that they are not added to source control
j) Right click on workspace and choose "add to source control". Choose
all files and add them
Only after that you can check in/check out object or make other
operations like tag creation and others.
Please check also help reference
It will be better if you will send more small and concrete questions
to me further. If you can send me the test project on which you learn
this is also help me provide more exact instructions for you.
--> James Madderra (user)  at 01 Jul 04 07:00 writes

Please see word attachment
pushOK_ltr_June 30.doc 
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