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sspi authentication bug?

Type: Public Status:Closed Created: 20 Feb 04 02:00 Updated: 22 Feb 04 02:00
--> Igor Pushkov (admin)  at 22 Feb 04 02:00 writes

Basically, when you use CVSROOT with :sspi: protocol CVS uses your
current user and domain name to authenticate you. That means that you
not need to perform cvs login, if you PC is on the same domain as your
CVS server, and you (as user) have enough access right for this domain.
When you connect to you server via VPN tunnel, you PC became
automatically part of domain, where VPN tunnel established.
"cvs login" with ":sspi:" needed only in case when you connect
to your server via public network (not VPN) but from PC, which is not
part of server domain (for example your home PC).
--> jon (user)  at 20 Feb 04 02:00 writes

I am testing using your CVS SCC proxy and connecting to CVSNT using sspi
over a VPN.

I execute the following command where mydomain\myaccount is a valid account
the cvs server:

cvs -d :sspi:mydomain\myaccount@cvsservermachine:/cvsrepository login

and am prompted for my domain account password. Just what I expect.
What surprises me is if I logout and then execute the login command with no
account information, i.e.

cvs -d :sspi:cvsservermachine:/cvsrepository login

I am prompted for a password and can choose to just hit return or enter
nonsense, but I STILL login successfully even though my local account means
nothing to the cvs server. What am I not understanding?

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