Merge of HEAD and BUGS branches in PowerBuilder IDE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the start point the 2 branches are the same, they contain the same objects. There is a szerzodes.pbl of the project, it contains the following elements: dst_szerzodes_filter.sru dst_szerzodes_list.sru dw_szerzodes_filter.srd dw_szerzodes_list.srd ifm_szerzodes.sru p_d_szerzodes.srj I made the following changes in the HEAD (in PB IDE): added new test_head.srf (into pbl and cvs) modified dw_szerzodes_filter.srd modified ifm_szerzodes.sru removed p_d_szerzodes.srj (from cvs and pbl) I made the following changes in the BUGS (in PB IDE): added test_bug.srf (into pbl and cvs) modified dw_szerzodes_filter.srd (same line modified, but not the same propery) modified p_d_szerzodes.srj removed dst_szerzodes_list.sru (from cvs and pbl) removed ifm_szerzodes.sru (from cvs and pbl) After chekcing out all elements of szerzodes.pbl in the HEAD and running a merge on them (get latest version/advanced/update option/ merge BUGS the followings happen: status window says that: "conflict dw_szerzodes_filter", excellent (by now dst_szerzodes_list.sru disappeared from the local head path, ok) a new window appears, conficts warning, "Do you want to resolve the conflicts? Note, selecting 'no' you can resolve the conflict later." If I answer 'Yes', status window says that: "launching conflict editor for dw_szerzodes_filter.srd and .#dw_szerzodes_filter.srd.1.13", excellent status window says that: "no real difference detected, skipping", wrong since they are really different a new window appears, "Are you sure that conflicts resolved?" If I answer 'No', it starts to ask in new windows "Please confirm request to overwrite checked-out objects": dst_szerzodes_filter.sru, dst_szerzodes_list.sru, dw_szerzodes_filter.srd, dw_szerzodes_list.srd, ifm_szerzodes.sru, test_head.srf I answered 'Yes' to all, but checking the modified dates of the local files, they were not altered at all. Why were there questions? And why were so many question? Because dst_szerzodes_list.sru already does not exist at local (despite the alleged overwiting), there is a new window: "Internal Error: Import file name could not found." Pressing OK, it continues the importing of the objects. Finally another window with "One or more PowerBuilder items failed to compile in your local PBL(s) after the get latest from the source control server. Press OK to accept the checkout even with compile failures." Checking the elements in the szerzodes.pbl: dst_szerzodes_filter.sru (no changes, ok) dst_szerzodes_list.sru (although removed from cvs, still it's here) dw_szerzodes_filter.srd (it is from the BUGS, modification in HEAD is lost) dw_szerzodes_list.srd (no changes, ok) ifm_szerzodes.sru (no changes, and although it was removed in BUGS, but it was modified in HEAD, so it is ok) test_head (no changes, ok) Checking local szerzodes.pbg file, all 6 files are inside, but dst_szerzodes_list.sru should not be.